Friday, November 11, 2011

The Tiger's Pride

The dog stirred from his rest
Oh! my legs they hurt so much
Sleep is never quite enough
I wonder today what I'd get to eat
Hope I can find some tasty meat

The mouse who neither had much heart nor a mind
Ran in just about in time
The cousin cats spoke in whispers low
He's always busy just scurrying this stupid mouse
Wonder if he's ever in his house

The mouse squeaked to the squirrel by his side
I hope all this ends very soon
I have many to meet before it's noon

Sitting down made the monkey itch
I think I'd feel better if I swing a little
jump and switch

As all the timid creatures sat down
without a sound
The tiger took his place on higher ground

I never slip I cannot fall
I am the first amongst you all
All creatures faint with my little roar
I do better on any score

I have swam across a rising tide
Not a scratch I have anywhere on my hide

And just as he was to begin another story
of greater feats and bigger glory
The crow sitting in pretense on the tree up high
Dropped something dirty in the tiger's eye

The tiger could not roar or scream
Didn't even know if he should cry

It is time and I must go
I have bigger things to do he said
as he turned around and sped

With us and within us

True, Good, Beautiful, Strong, Affectionate, Joyful, Grateful, Giver, Doer, Awakened, Unconstrained, Steady, Clear, Radiant, Alive, Valiant, Perceptive, Persistent, Forgiving, Exuberant, Fair...are just a few qualities of Vishnu.

Vishnu has thousand names and even that does not encompass all that can be said about him.

Call him God. Call it an element in the universe. But there is no denying that these qualities exist all around. It existed before anything came into being. Or how else could it have manifested itself. It will exist even after the universe comes to an end. Because it is not contained in anything and everything contains it. Every atom is filled with his presence.

Whenever and wherever we encounter these qualities it enriches our life.These qualities exist in everything around us and in us. To the extent that we are able to realise these qualities in ourselves, we lift ourselves and touch with grace the lives of those around us. To the extent that we realise these qualities we move closer to him.

Whenever you see exceptional grace, beauty, intelligence, strength, persistent...know that you are looking at him.

He is with us and in us. Always. We need to only wake-up and realise that.