Thursday, July 5, 2012

Once there was me

Once there was you
Once there was me
I was lost without you
I was all at sea

But as the days roll by
Through dusk and dew
There is more of you
There is less of me

Once lost without you
Now lost in you
where is the me
I once could see

Once there was you
Once there was me

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who's the real Guru?

What I learn from one Guru I do on the basis of what I've learned from another.
So how can I say who is better.
How can I say who is the real one.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Searching for Love

I looked for it in despair
I thought of it in weather fair

I looked ahead
I looked in days that were gone and dead

I searched for it high and low
What it was I could not know

Rushing searching everywhere
I could not find it anywhere

But  it seems all so clear now
When I look back in times that are past
My days with you they were lost
You were the love I was searching everywhere