Monday, November 9, 2009


I was fortunate to have spent more number of years with her than anyone else expect my father (who surpasses me by only a few more years). Like her name, Kusum (meaning flower), she was delicate and beautiful, spreading happiness around her.

My mother died on her call of duty. She had traveled to her home town (allahabad) to save some lives and make some more beautiful.

Her last conscious act was about giving. She really was not capable of much else. She would give the best of herself to anyone she met. Even the stray cats and dogs that appeared at our door step were given with just as much dedication and love as she had for her grand daughters. She wouldn't retire till she made sure that food was kept out for the cats for the night.

People like my mother don't die they just go away to where they are needed more.

She was our link to our original homeland. Though my father came from the same place it was my mother who preserved these ties. Of late, these ties had begun to get weaker over the years with the passing on of many people of my mothers generation. Through undertaking this last journey of hers, she has retied the knot making it stronger than before.

I think she just wanted to go back to her people, her home. And even as we left her behind in the lap of the Ganga, struggling to make our way back to Pune, she had already arrived in the form of a beautiful lotus flower in our garden. How else could it have been? She just had to be back with her grand daughters.

On this visit she would tell her sister that I was her Guru that I had taught her many things. But in her passing she has taught me the biggest lesson I have ever learnt, that the only life worth living is one of giving.
I hope my own end, like hers, comes while I am still in the act of giving.

To all those for whom she meant much, I can only say 'I am sorry I couldn't get her back for you'.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mystery of the riches

Have I come from the earth
Or am I the air that I breathe
Have I fallen from the stars
Or am I the food I eat
Was I a monkey
Or one amongst a swarm of bees

When I give
Am I giving to others or but to me

I came with naught
Got so much I cannot keep
Never mind how big a vessel I make
I cannot hold the sea

I get from places I just can never see
When I hold on to what I get
My hands are not so free

I must've watched as the grass
And at times as a solitary tree
Time to give much more
Now has come to be

I think I come from highlands
Bound in golden snow
Life will follow
Wherever I may flow

Thursday, September 17, 2009

If you would learn to eat this gruel...

On a burning hot afternoon. Diogenes is sitting as usual beneath the tree, sweating, scooping pasty gruel from a weathered bowl. At a distance, the court philosopher is being carried home in a palanquin for his lunch and afternoon siesta. He lifts the curtain. “Who is that beneath the tree?” the richly robed philosopher asks his bearers. “No one of any consequence, Sir,” they answer. “A fellow called Diogenes. A waster. All he does all day is sit under that tree, and yap with whoever comes along.”

“Take me to him” the philosopher directs.

He is lowered. He addresses Diogenes: “What are you doing, Diogenes?”

“Why, I am eating this gruel” Diogenes answers.

“You fool. If only you would learn to get along with the King, you wouldn’t have to spend the rest of your life eating that miserable gruel.”

“My dear Sir,” answers Diogenes, “If only you would learn to eat this gruel, you wouldn’t have to spend the rest of your life trying to get along with the King.”

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life's calling

On top of the snow capped mountain
Near the end of a distant run
At the turn of a musical note
In a job well done
In a Guru's grace
In love's expanse
In the cool summer morning breeze
In the thicket amongst the trees
In the answer to a dogged question
In an ancient country's soul
In the mystery of the universe
In a story well told
In the silence of the mind
In the laughter of a child
I have found life roll

How can I not tell
Though I know it cannot be told
How can I not give
When I have been given so
When I hear life calling
How can I not go

I am

I am the billion stars
I am the little purple flower lost amongst the sea of grass
I am what I love
I am that which I hate
I am the wretched
I am the grace

I am the approaching night
I am the rising tide
I am what I hide
I am what I fear

I was here before
I am here now

I am the world looking upon itself again


I'll be there

You will find me in your smile
And when you run the extra mile

You'll find me when you feel so free
Also when you dance with glee

I'll be there when you laugh in delight
And be with you in your fight

I'll be there when you bear the pain
Also when you walk away from gain

I'll touch you as the early rain
And as the winter sun through the window pane

I'll be watching as your thoughts unfold
And listen as you think of stories never told

I'll be watching life with you amazed
And watch with you the cattles graze

I'll be helping you do things right
And meet you at the morning light

I'll be there when you give
and so when you forgive

And if you are wondering o just how
You will find me here with you right now


Thursday, August 27, 2009

All so that I could see

Many will believe me not
That I met you as a man who but thought
How can I raise my dormant lot?

You came as an inspiring dad
And as a mother who to serve is glad

You came to me as a teacher old
As words of a master bold
To tell me just how I thought
As foolish and as wise
You also came with broken thought

You came to me with mystic eyes
I wonder if it’s true or just lies

Beautiful you came with silver shine
Ne’er thought the world could glow so fine

You walked all way a loyal mate
Sometimes as friend or a brother naive

You came to me as my child one night
I stood dazed, in wonder and delight

You came as a disappointing lot
And let me down oh so oft

Your questions won’t just ever stop
I’m learning now what I once was taught

You let me down and in pain
Only to let me down again

Shouting laughing running free
I come in and you jump at me

I can’t disagree at all
As a song when you do call

I know now why
I can tell
All so that I could see
That I am you and you are me

Saturday, June 6, 2009

So started the journey of Life

Having stayed inert, motionless and still, for a billion years...

the atom said -"There must be a better way”

…and so started the journey of Life

On and on the journey went, reaching out for the better still

And on and on the journey goes towards the better still