Thursday, August 25, 2011

I thank...

I thank the night for how else would I know the beauty of the day
I thank the cold and wet and hard or how else would I know of the warmth and dry and soft

I thank the heartless for they show, how to love, and how to adore
I thank the illness or how else would I know of health and spring and living more
I thank the lazy or how else would I know the worth working more

I thank the fools or how else would I know the worth of wise
I thank the conceited and the vice, for how else would I know of grace and rise

I thank the stubborn, for they taught me how to yield
I thank the deceitful, for who is true now I know

I thank the sloppy, they taught me lessons of earnest care
I thank the quitters, for they teach me to persist and to dare

I thank the darkened sky, for they show me the beauty of the starlit night
I thank the emptiness of the space, for it tells me I am at home alright

I thank the hurry I thank the rush, it taught me how to stand and stare
I thank the noise, I thank the blare, or how would I know of silence clear

I thank the treachery of death and end, for it tells me I am life with long miles yet to go that never-end.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can our story be any different

All of human history is the rise and fall and rising again of men.
It is a story of people failing to rise and rising when it mattered most.
Of falling to miserable depths and of rising to divine heights.
It is a story of brilliance and grave errors.
It is a story of unquestionable loyalties and bloody treachery.
Of people living mediocre existence and of legendary deeds.
Of failing to see meaning and of finding meaning in the most hopeless of times.
Of persistent stupidity and amazing intelligence.
Of selfish pursuits and great sacrifice.

How can our story be any different?
It is part of the grand design of the creator

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The greatest amongst the Gods

Once the foremost amongst the Rishis, Bhirgu was asked to help know who amongst the gods was the the greatest.

So he went to Bramha first and showed him no respect. Bramha was unhappy and upset. Bhrigu then went to Shiva who was unmindful of the lack of attention from Bhrigu. So Bhrigu started showering insults on him. Shiva then got very angry and came after Bhrigu. Bhrigu some how managed to make it to Vaikuntalok where Vishnu was lying peacefully asleep. Bhrigu kicked Vishnu on his chest. Vishnu woke up with a start and rather than be angry with Bhrigu, asked him if he was hurt in the leg and tried to comfort him.

Clearly, Vishnu turned out to be the greatest amongst the Gods.

One of the lessons one can draw from this story is that Silence (Shiva) is greater than Knowledge(Bramha) and that Love(Vishnu) is Greater than that.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Words always fall short of the experience.
But sometimes they are the only way one can express.
The beauty and meaning of words has a direct relation to ones experiences.
If my experience and understanding is ordinary, words, hold ordinary meaning to me.
If my experience is beautiful, words embody that beauty for me.
If my experience is deep, words hold a deep meaning for me.

"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam