Friday, November 11, 2011

The Tiger's Pride

The dog stirred from his rest
Oh! my legs they hurt so much
Sleep is never quite enough
I wonder today what I'd get to eat
Hope I can find some tasty meat

The mouse who neither had much heart nor a mind
Ran in just about in time
The cousin cats spoke in whispers low
He's always busy just scurrying this stupid mouse
Wonder if he's ever in his house

The mouse squeaked to the squirrel by his side
I hope all this ends very soon
I have many to meet before it's noon

Sitting down made the monkey itch
I think I'd feel better if I swing a little
jump and switch

As all the timid creatures sat down
without a sound
The tiger took his place on higher ground

I never slip I cannot fall
I am the first amongst you all
All creatures faint with my little roar
I do better on any score

I have swam across a rising tide
Not a scratch I have anywhere on my hide

And just as he was to begin another story
of greater feats and bigger glory
The crow sitting in pretense on the tree up high
Dropped something dirty in the tiger's eye

The tiger could not roar or scream
Didn't even know if he should cry

It is time and I must go
I have bigger things to do he said
as he turned around and sped

With us and within us

True, Good, Beautiful, Strong, Affectionate, Joyful, Grateful, Giver, Doer, Awakened, Unconstrained, Steady, Clear, Radiant, Alive, Valiant, Perceptive, Persistent, Forgiving, Exuberant, Fair...are just a few qualities of Vishnu.

Vishnu has thousand names and even that does not encompass all that can be said about him.

Call him God. Call it an element in the universe. But there is no denying that these qualities exist all around. It existed before anything came into being. Or how else could it have manifested itself. It will exist even after the universe comes to an end. Because it is not contained in anything and everything contains it. Every atom is filled with his presence.

Whenever and wherever we encounter these qualities it enriches our life.These qualities exist in everything around us and in us. To the extent that we are able to realise these qualities in ourselves, we lift ourselves and touch with grace the lives of those around us. To the extent that we realise these qualities we move closer to him.

Whenever you see exceptional grace, beauty, intelligence, strength, persistent...know that you are looking at him.

He is with us and in us. Always. We need to only wake-up and realise that.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Donkey and the Meadow

It was a beautiful morning bright and new
The meadow shone as the sun lit up the morning dew

The squirrels ran up and down
On the few tree that were around

The butterflies skipped from flower to flower
The crickets screeched out in a loud roar

The birds sang free as they dashed around
The bees passed by with a humming sound

The Donkey busy and unhappy was thinking to himself
O poor me O poor me

Why can't there be some donkeys more
They would know just how I feel for sure

The world is such a burden for all to see
Why can't all these creatures be just like me

Look at the flowers they just stand around
And hurt my nose as I reach for the ground

The grass it just grows too short
My neck it hurt from reaching out such a lot

There is so much to do and long miles for me to pound
I wish I could turn off all this hurting sound

The owl sorry at the Donkey's fate
Called out to him - hear me my mate

There's a need for everyone there is a place for all to be
The world's so pretty just look up and see

I can't, I have much to do you see
My shoulder drop for all the weight on me

Oh! what a shame no one can see
O poor me O poor me

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quieter Stiller Stronger Now

Standing quite calm and still
She loves the ground on which she lives
Wondering if she could touch the sky
Never vain just in a sincere honest try

She once danced with every passing breeze
Greeted every morning's sun with glee
She's quieter now, more still and strong
As though listening for some deeper sound

But when the sky is a purple hue
And sometimes in the early winter dew
You can see her glow and shine
Like at first when she was just new

And She Flows

As I stand and watch her rushing by
Sometime quicker sometimes a little slow
I whisper a little cry
You look so fresh and new
Will you be with me for moments few?
She smiles at me as she passes by

I call out again
Can you not a moment spare
O! Won't you wait?
She turns a little as if to say
I have to rush I am already late

I ask again now with a little despair
But where do you go?
Where do you stay?
I go far and for long
To where the ocean's deep and blue
But it's not my home
There I do not stay

With rain and with winter dew
I will be soon back with you
But now I must run I must go
To the trees and farms I want to flow
I can't stand I can't wait
I must run free
That's the only way I'll ever be

The Bloom

The Sky is blue the Sun is bright
The winter now is far behind
As she swings a little side to side in the early morning air
She stands happy, spreading cheer
To big and small all who come near

Sometimes when the rain's too hard
Or the Sun too strong
She closes up a little as if in despair
But when the sun mellows down
the rain is gentler and returning home again
I watch with pleasure
and sometimes I stare
As she's back to laugh and to share

Forgive Them

Forgive those who've hurt you.
Forgive those who have used you.
Forgive those who have tried to take things from you.
Forgive those who let you down.
Forgive those who've deceived
Forgive those who've been ungrateful
Forgive those who've been unkind
Forgive those who've been unfair

Forgive them because they are unfortunate
Forgive them because they have been hurt themselves
Forgive them because they were never taught any better
Forgive them because they do not understand any better
Forgive them because they are empty inside

Forgive and be free

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Can You?

You maybe having fun but are you happy?
You might be popular but can people trust you?
You are expressive but do you make sense?
You are intelligent but are you sincere?
You have ideas but can you follow them to the end?
You can make friends easily but do old friends value you?
You want to teach but can you learn?
You want to talk but can you listen?
You have the energy but do you have the direction?
You have a job but are you doing good work?
You want to have things but can you also give them away?
You can run but can you stand still?
You want to be loved but can you love?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Silence is the Answer

Even words are not possible without the space in between. Even speech is not possible without the silence in between. You cannot work cannot go on endlessly without rest. Like wise, new thoughts are not possible without pausing to think. You cannot change direction without stopping to run. Even the heart cannot go one without the rest in between every beat.

Meditation is about bringing the mind to silence. Meditation is about stilling your mind. Only when your mind is still can new thoughts come in. Only when your mind stops racing in a certain direction can it turn to something else.

This pause, This stillness, occurs all the time, but is so brief that it goes unnoticed. Meditation is about stilling the mind for longer, more often. It is when the mind is still for longer that more profound thoughts appear. It is when you can still the mind more often that it becomes possible to learn and do new and different things.

Meditation starts by observing your thoughts. Slowly you begin to notice the silence in between. Then the silence, the pause grows in length. Then it to happen more often. As this happens, a deeper and deeper understanding builds up.

But then, you may ask, where do these thoughts come from? Where does this understanding come from? The answer to that is to be found in the meditation itself. The answer to it is the sames as the answer to the questions - Where did life come from? Where did this universe come from? Where did this existence come from? Where did it all come from?

Silence is the answer.

But to understand the answer, you must experience the silence first.

Seeking God

Those who seek God for worldly goods are fools. Those who think that achievement and wealth can bring them happiness are fooling themselves. Their pursuit is certain to end in disappointment.

God must be sought for what he is. The creator of all things. The greatest joy in life is to understand the mysteries of life and the universe around us. The greatest of the joys lies is creating something of value. The greatest of the joys in life lies in being of use to the world. Knowing the mysteries of life is knowing God. Creating is being God like. Being of help to others is doing like Him.
Whatever comes to you as a result of that - love, riches, respect, power is incidental. It cannot be the purpose for which you do things.

To know the mysteries of life take interest in whatever you do. To create something, keep an open mind. To be of help to others look out for those who are in need.

Forgive Yourself First

First of all learn to forgive yourself. Sometimes, we are too hard on ourselves.
While life and living is about exerting yourself to bring out your best. Sometimes we are in too much of a hurry. Sometimes we define excellence and success and happiness too narrowly. Sometimes we lose sight of that which is special in us. In the process, subjecting ourselves to undertake things that we may not like the most or be the best at. Or do things that is out of tune with our rhythm and pace in life.

Forgive yourself, because even the most talented people fail. Even the most talented people have to try repeatedly. Even the most talented of people have to go through the grind.

Forgive yourself. Because you are more than your mistakes. You are more than your limitations. You are more than your failures. You are more than anything that can be said about you.

Forgive yourself and be happy. Forgive yourself and look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead. The past is dead and gone.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I can hear my Master cry

The Master is disappointed with me
I can see that in every eye
I can feel it in me and inside

Can't cover it up with things
Can't drown it in all the wine
Can't forget it in stories
Can't silence it by talk
Not by all the lies

It shows up on my face
Always and all the time

And still he calls out again and again
watch out! don't let yourself fall
Wake-up! Stand-up high
I know it's hard
but just give it a little try

He calls out again and again
fainter but without respite

Saturday, September 17, 2011

This and that

I asked of this and I asked for that
I told you this and I told you that
I thought you this and I thought you that
I talked of this and I talked of that.
I looked in you for this and I looked in you for that

I showed me to be this and I showed me to be that.

That you are better than all the this and that of me,
This I saw when in your eyes I caught the ugly sight of me

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I thank...

I thank the night for how else would I know the beauty of the day
I thank the cold and wet and hard or how else would I know of the warmth and dry and soft

I thank the heartless for they show, how to love, and how to adore
I thank the illness or how else would I know of health and spring and living more
I thank the lazy or how else would I know the worth working more

I thank the fools or how else would I know the worth of wise
I thank the conceited and the vice, for how else would I know of grace and rise

I thank the stubborn, for they taught me how to yield
I thank the deceitful, for who is true now I know

I thank the sloppy, they taught me lessons of earnest care
I thank the quitters, for they teach me to persist and to dare

I thank the darkened sky, for they show me the beauty of the starlit night
I thank the emptiness of the space, for it tells me I am at home alright

I thank the hurry I thank the rush, it taught me how to stand and stare
I thank the noise, I thank the blare, or how would I know of silence clear

I thank the treachery of death and end, for it tells me I am life with long miles yet to go that never-end.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How can our story be any different

All of human history is the rise and fall and rising again of men.
It is a story of people failing to rise and rising when it mattered most.
Of falling to miserable depths and of rising to divine heights.
It is a story of brilliance and grave errors.
It is a story of unquestionable loyalties and bloody treachery.
Of people living mediocre existence and of legendary deeds.
Of failing to see meaning and of finding meaning in the most hopeless of times.
Of persistent stupidity and amazing intelligence.
Of selfish pursuits and great sacrifice.

How can our story be any different?
It is part of the grand design of the creator

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The greatest amongst the Gods

Once the foremost amongst the Rishis, Bhirgu was asked to help know who amongst the gods was the the greatest.

So he went to Bramha first and showed him no respect. Bramha was unhappy and upset. Bhrigu then went to Shiva who was unmindful of the lack of attention from Bhrigu. So Bhrigu started showering insults on him. Shiva then got very angry and came after Bhrigu. Bhrigu some how managed to make it to Vaikuntalok where Vishnu was lying peacefully asleep. Bhrigu kicked Vishnu on his chest. Vishnu woke up with a start and rather than be angry with Bhrigu, asked him if he was hurt in the leg and tried to comfort him.

Clearly, Vishnu turned out to be the greatest amongst the Gods.

One of the lessons one can draw from this story is that Silence (Shiva) is greater than Knowledge(Bramha) and that Love(Vishnu) is Greater than that.

Monday, August 1, 2011


Words always fall short of the experience.
But sometimes they are the only way one can express.
The beauty and meaning of words has a direct relation to ones experiences.
If my experience and understanding is ordinary, words, hold ordinary meaning to me.
If my experience is beautiful, words embody that beauty for me.
If my experience is deep, words hold a deep meaning for me.

"All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind."
- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A butterfly teaches you somethings

A butterfly teaches you somethings

To be Your Best
To be Happy
To Spread Happiness
To be Soft
To be Quiet
To be Free

Monday, July 25, 2011

The world is waiting for your love

Children need your love
The old need your love
The promising need your love
The helpless need your love
Those in despair need your love
The brave need your love
The flowers need your love
The rivers and needs your love
All creatures need your love

If you love them all
If you love them so
How can you ever be alone

Everywhere, all around and nowhere

I want to be the ground on which you stand tall and firm.
I want to be the air that fills you with life fair
I want to be the light that helps you see things all clear
I want to be the space around that you can fill with what you love and care
I want to be the stream at which you stand watching times gently flowing by

I want to be all around you and everywhere.
Though you may see me not anywhere.
Always with you but never in your way.

Monday, July 18, 2011

You are not that

You are not your thoughts because that can change
You are not your feelings because it can change
You are not your choice because it can change
You are not your habits because that can change
You are not your body because it can change
You are not your failures because that can change
You are not your achievements because that can change.
You are not your idea because that can change
You are not your limitations because that can change
You are not what you think you are because that can change.

Some beautiful songs (from Hindi movies)

  1. Jane kahan gaye wo din...
  2. Sare sapane kahin Kho gaye...
  3. Ye kya jaghe hai doston...
  4. Aaane wala pal jaane wala hai...
  5. Thoda hai thode ki zarrorat hai...
  6. Madhuban Kushboo deta hai Sagar Savan deta hai...
  7. Aye tum yaad mujhe...
  8. Tu pyaar ka saagar hai...
  9. Itni Shakti hame dena data...
  10. More Saajan hain us paar...
  11. Aisa hi guru bhave saadho...
  12. Aaaoge jab tum o saajana angana phool khilenge...
  13. Aye Khudha...
  14. Balamwa bairi ho gaye hamaar...
  15. Yeh Kahna aa gaye hum...
  16. Jyoti Kalash Chalake...
  17. Rubaroo Roshini...
  18. Mora Man Darapan Kehalaye...
  19. Aye mere watan ke logon...
  20. Kabhi Kabhi mere dil me...
  21. Kiska Rasta Dehke...
  22. Bade aache lagate hain ye dharati ye nadiya...
  23. Seene me jalan Aaankhon me tufhaan sa kun hai...
  24. Chaal ri Sajani ab kya ro ke...
  25. Lagja Gale ke phir ye hasin raat ho na ho
  26. Janne Kahan Gaye Who Din
  27. Kisiki Muskurahatoon pe ho nisaar
  28. Mere saajan hain us paar
  29. .....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

On Love

Love at first starts as physical attraction. Like a seedling breaking out from the ground below, where it remained hidden and sleepy till it was awakened by the falling rain.

It's potential is to grow big. To flowers and bear fruits. To be a home to a hundred lives. To make the world more beautiful. But quite like most seedlings, it dies without attaining its best.

Most seedlings live and die as seedling. Some grow to be saplings. Only a very very few grow to be big trees. Most often, Love like most seedlings, remains and dies at the physical level. Never really moving anywhere close to its greatest height. Its fullest bloom.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Satyam Shivam Sundaram

Life is an expression (of the potential. Of the the paramatma). An expression is beautiful when there is life in it. What has life in it is beautiful. Shiv is life. Shiv is beautiful.

Truth supports life. Moves it forward (to a still better expression). Untruth undermines it destroys it. Shiv protects life. Shiv is Truth.

Truth is Shiv (life). Shiv (life) is Beautiful.

Satyam Shivam Sundaram.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

We live by grace

We all live off the grace of others.
But more importantly we live by the grace of God.
It never will be possible to repay this debt.
We will remain forever indebted.
We can only receive with grace.
We can only rejoice when we can give.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Time to leave

When love turns into possession it is time to let go
When determination turns to anger it is time to ease up.
When a way becomes a habit it is time to change directions.
When speaking the truth beings to hurt, it is time to return to silence.
When responsibility becomes a burden it is time to draw on your love.
When understanding begins to harden into prejudice it is time to seek new perspectives.
When self belief begins to grow into conceit it is time to seek new purpose.
When you have said more than a lot it is time to start listening.